Everything in the universe has a frequency: every living thing and every molecule that makes up the matter around us. 528 Hz: the frequency of love – connecting our hearts and our spiritual nature and even the divine.
It is evening, a burnt orange sun dips below the hills of Benimussa. Without you realizing, the energy of excitement has been building up as the clock ticks towards exactly five minutes to eight: 528. On arrival at the grand grounds, you walk up the stairs and weave through the stunning terrace, sprinkled with performers in Phoenician costume, leading you through sensory stations that embody ancient traditions, building the rhythm to the “wow” moment soon to come from the show. You are in a magical setting on the magnificent outside terrace, the music is pulsing and intrigue is building at every turn as the time comes to enter the spectacular new theatre.

An à la carte menu from world-class chefs adds another layer to the sensory pleasure with perfect explosions of flavours complemented by fine wines and exquisite drinks to delight your senses as the show begins. Now, you are transported. This is the Frequency of Love. Music and dance tracked back through the history of Ibiza to the Phoenicians, through the Payeses tradition, the liberation of the ’60s, the explosion of creativity and freedom of ’80s dance culture and more. And when the show ends on the ultimate music high, the super club party begins. Everything has been leading you to here: the dancefloor. You are no longer a voyeur of Ibiza’s history. You are now part of Ibiza’s unique energy and fully immersed in the Frequency of Love. The party is ON!