Casa Munich offers an ideal setting to de-stress, relax and recharge – a lovely, place set in the hills in the Ses Salinas Nature Reserve. Facilities include tennis courts, spa, sauna, pools, yoga and pilates, and you will feel the benefit as soon as you walk through the door. But what is happening to your body and mind as you relax, and what are the benefits of total relaxation? Relax! We are here to help!
1. What is the relaxation response?
This is the term for what happens when your parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of your body.

2. Your heart rate slows
When your parasympathetic system takes over it releases a hormone called acetylcholine. This slows your heart rate down.
3. Your blood pressure drops
Stress hormones can speed up your heart rate and tighten your blood vessels. This temporarily raises your blood pressure. The opposite happens when you relax.

4. You improve your digestion
When stress causes the “fight or flight” reaction, your digestion gets put on hold as blood moves towards your larger muscles. Relaxation reverses this process.
5. Your breathing slows down
“Take a deep breath”, you might tell someone who’s in a panic. There’s a good reason for that. When you’re stressed, your breathing speeds up.
6. Your muscles relax and sleep improves
Muscle tension eases when you calm down. But long-lasting stress can lead to tense muscles nearly all the time. Gentle exercise, yoga, meditation and sleep can all help relieve muscle tension.

7. You improve blood sugar control
Stress hormones make your blood sugar rise. And if you have diabetes, the effort it takes to manage your condition may amp up your stress.
8. Your immune system works better
Long-lasting stress makes it harder for your body to fight off infections. But deep relaxation can help your immune system recover.