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Ibiza Essence: the powerful energy of Ibiza in a bottle

The aroma brand Ibiza Essence charges quartz with the energy of the island of Es Vedrà and its plants, to transfer it to its line of seven natural aromas.

According to legend, Es Vedrà, the mythical, magical island found just off the southwest coast of Ibiza (and depicted on the label of the wonderful aura-mists made by IBIZA ESSENCE is the exact spot where the crossing of the Earth’s Telluric currents radiates the highest beneficial frequencies. These powers are at their strongest during the Full Moon, which is when IBIZA ESSENCE charges crystals with the energy of the island and its plants to transfer to its range of scents that help you stay connected to the benefits of a holiday on the island from anywhere. These “VIBRATIONAL ESSENCES” are the real magic – the powerful energy of Ibiza in a bottle. We look at the powers of the ingredients used in one of its heart-reconnecting AURA-MISTS: MANIFEST, to attract “abundance and prosperity”. 


This synergy helps you to consciously MANIFEST a life of your own design, away from societal-family programming, based on your self-knowledge and conscious choices. 

Set your intention, your soul desired experience for Wealth, Health and Love. 

Connect with a deep sense of Gratitude as you visualize your life transforming in magical and unexpected ways.

Uplifting citric bergamot with calming lavender and a touch of Cedar Wood. Connects Mind, Heart and the Physical, helping your ideas come true. 

The empowerment and focus given by the Agave, the communication-enhancing properties of Senecio, and finally the Laurel that provides you with the deep sense of success required to manifest with ease.


+ Getting clarity and focus.

+ Aligning Heart-intention and thoughts with your actions and communication.

+ Constant focus on vibrating and attracting what you want; you deserve it!

+ Uplifting and vitalizing.

+ Magical synchronicities.


> Posidonia Vibrational Essence (clears old patterns).

> “Ibiza and Formentera Sea Water”.

> Organic Essential Oils and specific vibrational elixirs that help you align with your intention.