Interview with Ibizan photographer Rosa Scipion

The Ibiza photographer making the beautiful more beautiful.

What or who gives you inspiration?
Nature, femininity, sisterhood.
What is your biggest regret?
Not keeping in contact with lost friends.
Have you ever bumped into someone famous in an unlikely place?
I actually recently was working for someone who was really famous without me realising how famous he was. We had people following us all the time to take a selfie!
What is the worst thing you have ever swallowed?
Celery juice!! I know I should try again because it’s super healthy, but oh man…!
The last film you cried at?
I’m not such a TV show person so…a new National Geographic series. So dramatic!
Who or what turns you on?
My man, good music, good food…simple!
Have you ever been arrested
and if so what for?
When I was in high school with some friends on a Saturday night we broke into a public school. Don’t ask me why…I don’t even know! But only me and someone else got arrested. Great runners right?

Rosa Scipion Ibiza Photographer
Scipion treats the human form in a sensual, often abstract way.

What is the biggest battle you have overcome? 
To find and reconnect with myself again.
Your ideal holiday destination?
I’m happy traveling anywhere, as long as it’s surrounded by nature and good weather really.
Name three famous people you would love to have round for dinner…Cameron Hammond, Maya Stepper, Melody Meadows.
Tell us one thing you were completely wrong about and happy to now admit it.
I always thought to travel alone would be something I’d never like.
What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
Coming home after a looong night of work, arriving at 5am and having the whole place full of rose petals, candles and an awesome gift! It was the night before my birthday…

“The biggest battle I have ever overcome was to re-connect with myself again”

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