Sushi Rules!

Illustrations: Ernesto Kofla
Sushi Rules!

Rule 1

Sushi can be eaten with chopstick – or with the hands! Traditionally, nigiri-style sushi was a ‘fast food’ and was intended to be eaten with the hands! If you do use your hand make sure you use your oshibori – hot napkin – to wipe your fingers – but never your face!

Sushi Rules 1: Sushi can be eaten with chopstick – or with the hands!

Rule 2

Never, under any circumstances, take your sushi apart! It should always be left complete and eaten whole!

Sushi Rules 2: Never, under any circumstances, take your sushi apart!

Rule 3

Nigiri-style is meant to be eaten in one, single bite!

Sushi Rules 3: Nigiri-style is meant to be eaten in one, single bite!

Rule 4

When dipping sushi into the soy sauce it should always be flipped over and dipped with the neta-side (fish side), not the rice side!

Rule 5

Some forms of sushi such as the seaweed wrapped gunkan-maki rolls should be dipped rice side down, then use your ginger piece to dab soy onto the top.

Rule 6

When taking sushi from a shared plate use the blunt end of the chopsticks!

Rule 7

Rest the narrow end of the chopsticks on your ceramic holder, or Hashi Oki, when not in use. When you have finished place chopsticks across your soy sauce saucer.

Rule 8

Never hand money to a sushi chef – they typically never handle money!

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