Two men standing on the viewing point of Es Vedra in the searing sun. A cacao ceremony takes place before one begins painting the other man’s aura onto his shirt. Tourists wander by, barely giving the scene a second glance. This is Ibiza after all, where minds roam free…
Meet RichArt, the only man in the world who paints auras onto your clothing. A man who dedicates his time helping people to become more in tune with their intuition and perceive themselves not only as material beings, but also as an energetic being. And he can see your aura.

“As my mother took her last breath, I felt her spirit pass through to me and in that instant, I knew my life was about to change forever. I realised my office job, car and house were meaningless and I knew I had been given a second chance on life before it was too late. I suddenly felt free.”
RichArt’s aura paintings are becoming the talk of Ibiza 2022. Through a psychic vision he receives through his Third Eye, he is able to sense and feel a person’s aura, which he will then paint for you.

“We all have aura protection around us, an energy field that we can charge up with vibrations of love and good feelings that ultimately make us shine. If you are not aware you have this bubble around you, this is when negative energy enters your body and start to feed off you. I am here to stop that ever happening and give you the freedom of self-love and safety.”